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发布时间:2014-10-31 编辑: 来源:威廉希尔


Professor Fuhua (Frank) Cheng (the University of Kentucky)

Title: One-step Bicubic Interpolation

Time: 9:30am-10:10am, Oct. 31, 2014

Venue:Lecture Hall, 2rd Floor, Office Building, Software Campus

Host: Caiming Zhang



A new one-step interpolation scheme for Catmull-Clark subdivision (CCS) surfaces is introduced. With the new scheme, one can generate a Catmull- Clark subdivision surface (CCSS) to interpolate a given data point set in just one step, instead of an iterative process usually required for large data point sets. The one step process is achieved through adding a bi- cubic offsetting surface to the CCS limit surface of the given data point set. The offsetting surface is constructed through a local process so the new scheme is suitable for very large data sets (millions of data points) and yet the interpolating surface reflects the shape of the given data point set because the limit surface of the given data points set is close enough to the data points.

Furthermore, the new scheme has local property, i.e., changing the location of one data point will only change the shape of the interpolating surface locally, the first time ever to have such a property for an interpolating CCSS. Experimental results show that the interpolating surfaces generated by the new scheme have the same surface quality and are indeed similar to the original Catmull-Clark subdivision surfaces.


Bio of Prof. Fuhua Cheng:

Fuhua (Frank) Cheng is Professor of Computer Science and Director of the Graphics & Geometric Modeling Lab at the University of Kentucky, USA, and a joint professor of Computer Science at the National. Tsinghua University in Taiwan. He holds a PhD in mathematics and computer science from the Ohio State University, USA. His research interests include computer aided geometric modeling, computer graphics, parallel computing in geometric modeling and computer graphics, approximation theory, and collaborative CAD.

Dr. Fuhua (Frank) Cheng is an internationally recognized leader in several areas of computer graphics and geometric modeling. He is the developer of a new spline scheme called "alternate splines". His research work on parallel B-spline fitting initiated a new research area called "parallel spline algorithms". He is the first person to develop hardware device (Bezier Curve Generator) for the generation/rendering of parametric curves and surfaces which includes a prototype of a geometry engine. This work won him the prestigious Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Technology Invention Award. He has the first US patent on subdivision surface based modeling and is a leader in "one-piece representation scheme". He is the developer of a new curve- and surface-shape-design technique called 'interproximation'. He is also a pioneer in medical applications of CAD. He has developed an imaging system that can reproduce 3D information using just one camera and one image (US patent pending). Dr. Cheng is on the editorial board of Computer Aided Design & Applications, Journal of Computer Aided Design & Computer Graphics, Computer Aided Drafting, Design and Manufacturing and ISRN Applied Mathematics.



Professor Soo-Won Chae (the Korea University)

Title: Human-in-the-loop Product Design

Time: 10:10am-10:50am, Oct. 31, 2014

Venue: Lecture Hall, 2rd Floor, Office Building, Software Campus

Host: Caiming Zhang



In a good design of a product intended for human use, ergonomics is an important factor. A typical product development process involves repeated trial-and-error experiments on ergonomics using human or dummy models and product prototypes. Such a process is costly, time consuming and does not allow easy optimization of the ergonomic features of the product. The concept of human-in-the-loop product design represents a systematic human-oriented product design methodology based on the digital models of both humans and products. In this approach repeated trial-and-error experiments are replaced by numerical and haptic simulations between human and product models to reduce cost and time. Numerical simulations involve digital human models that are integrated directly with the numerical product models. Digital human model represents a biomechanically accurate musculoskeletal model of human body. Physically accurate simulations of the human-product interactions are embedded into the design process, enabling the engineers to design products intuitively yet systematically and quantitatively. Human-in-the-loop product design framework is expected to affect a wide range of applications such as consumer and personal IT products, healthcare and medical devices, sports equipment, technologies for the elderly, automobiles, and military applications.


Bio of Prof. Soo-Won Chae:

Soo-Won Chae is Professor of Mechanical Engineering Department at the Korea University, and a director of Human-Oriented Product Innovation Research Center (ERC). He is a member of National Academy of Engineering of Korea (NAEK) and General Council member of IACM (International Association for Computational Mechanics). He also is a fellow of Society for CAD/CAM engineers. He holds a PhD in mechanical engineering from the M.I.T in 1988. He has been Professor of Mechanical Engineering Department at Hongik University from 1991/3 to 1996/8, and Senior Researcher of Head of CAD/CAM Lab of KIMM (Korea Institute of Machinery and Metals) from 1979/3 to 1991/2. His research interests include automotive safety analysis, biomechanics, automatic mesh generation, applications of Finite Element Analysis. Soo-Won Chae has won the APACM Award on Computational Mechanics, APCOM Congress in 2010, the Jubong Academic Award, KSME in 2005 and the Gaheon Academic Award, KSPE in 2004.




Prof. Yutaka Ohtake (the University of Tokyo)

Title: Sinogram-based Geometry Processing for CT Scanning

Time: 8:30am-9:10am, Nov. 1, 2014

Venue: Lecture Hall, 2rd Floor, Office Building, Software Campus

Host: Caiming Zhang



X-ray Computed Tomography (CT) is a powerful scanning tool for capturing the three dimensional (3D) geometry of real-world objects. In conventional geometry processing for CT scanned objects, only CT values sampled on a 3D regular grid (i.e., a CT volume) are used. However, this CT volume-based geometry processing is sensitive to grid artifacts. To solve this problem, we propose sinogram-based geometry processing, wherein a sinogram is a sequence of X-ray projection images. The proposed method provides high quality mesh generation, accuracy improvement, sharp feature extraction, and curvature estimation.


Bio of Prof. Yutaka Ohtake:

Yutaka Ohtake is an associate professor at the University of Tokyo, Japan. He received his BS, MS, and PhD degrees in computer science and engineeringfrom the University of Aizu, Japan, in 1997, 1999, and 2002 respectively. Hewas a postdoctoral fellow at Computer Graphics Group of Max-Planck Institutefor Computer Science (Germany) from 2002 to 2004 and a researcher at RIKEN (Japan) from 2004 to 2007. His research interests include geometric modeling and processing, computational geometry and topology.




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